As often as you like. We would recommend at the very least blogging once a month, but once a week would be awesome too! This is because Google loves websites keeping themselves updated with fresh content as well as showing more information off for the user to find, thus making the site more relevant.
Each platform has its strengths and weaknesses. Facebook is usually the best all-rounder, giving you the opportunity to post promotions and measure results effectively, as well as engage with one of the largest audiences across any of the platforms.
100% yes. Marketing is about handling peoples perceptions and at the end of the day, if people perceive you as an amazing, high-quality dental practice, then you’ll have them for as long as you don’t ruin their perception of you.
To put this in perspective, Coca-Cola is leading the cola market but after Pepsi ran a campaign where they blindfolded numerous people and performed a taste test, over 70% of them preferred the flavour of Pepsi; but then why is Coca-Cola leading the market? Simple, they’re perceived to be the original, genuine Coke drink and any other coke drink cannot compare because they’re not ‘the original’.
There’s no single answer for this one, there’s so many factors that need to be taken into account, a big one being on how competitive the search phrases you’re trying to rank for are. After 6 – 12 months of a full SEO service, you should begin to see some (hopefully good) results.
Nope, it’s not black and white.
Many business owners think that there’s a checkbox which they need to regularly complete and their business will take off. In reality, if you’re not blogging about things people are looking for, if you’re not posting engaging content on Facebook that is shared, viewed and causes the viewer to make an enquiry and if your website is not looking good on mobile and desktop devices (also, complex to navigate and just generally boring). Then no, your practice won’t be successful.