When you think about it, everyone needs a Dentist. Meaning everyone has looked for a Dentist at one point in their lives. When people begin looking there are 3 things that are imperative:
If you can master all three of those, you will secure loyal customers that will then bring their families and potentially become advocates. Remember that people look for a Dentist for the long term.
As everyone needs a Dentist that means there is a lot of competition out there. If these Dentists aren’t savvy with their SEO they will be very hard to find on Google and will, therefore, have a tough time getting ‘bums on seats’. However, for those that understand the Value of SEO for their practice, they will have to learn to compete… Or, just get an SEO company to do it for you.
– SEO companies can only do so much. At the end of the day, it’s down to the Dental Practices’ to get the good reviews, stay active on social media and offer a great service that helps drive traffic to the website. In some cases even write the blogs!
This one applies especially to the younger generation, a nice looking website that doesn’t take too long to load can be a pivotable factor in making a decision between Dentists. A well-made website looks professional, and therefore so does the practice and service. Not only do viewers like a nicely made website, but so does Google!
A responsive website means that it will adapt to smaller screens, such as mobiles or tablets. Once again, the all wise Google will pick up on this and give you a thumbs up when showing you to the searchers.