Google can be great sometimes! They have lately introduced a new audit panel, powered by lighthouse into their Developer Tools on Google Chrome. This tool provides helpful insight into a website’s health and as a result, the optimisation of the website. The reason this is exciting to SEO analysts is that it is coming straight from Googles Mouth, figuratively speaking. We expect that by working through the audit section on the Developer Tools (after running an audit of the site) you can detect errors that Google takes into account as a ranking factor. The audit feature displays a wealth of information, and in some cases a bit more information than some of the SEO Analyser websites that are out there. Best of all, it’s free and is most likely the most trusted of them all being that it comes straight from Google. The Interface is displayed in a user-friendly way and displays real time updates, meaning it is quick to work through a site and resolve existing issues. Although, bear in mind that the audit only performs on a website health and coding, such as response times, optimised images etc. Meaning On-Site SEO such as Meta Data, Link Building, Internal Links, content, etc, is not audited.
An example of the interface is shown below:
Google once again shows us that they are passionate about healthy and modern websites and have allowed SEO analysts to have easier access to create the ideal websites.