What do you do when you’re bored and are looking to spend some time online? Most people’s destination of choice is usually an entertainment website of some sort to whittle the hours away. Not so in January, though. In 2011, according to Experian Hitwise, social networking websites became the most popular destination for searchers for the first time.
Sites such as Facebook and Twitter accounted for 2.4billion UK internet visits during the first month of the year – an astonishing 12.4 per cent of all traffic nationwide. The average user spent 22 minutes per session on a social networking site, while it’s been estimated that approximately 30 million people in the United Kingdom has registered for a Facebook account.
So what constitutes an entertainment website exactly? Well, amongst the most popular are BBC iPlayer, Skysports.com and similar sites – sites you yourself probably visit on a consistent daily basis. What’s amazing is the power that Facebook in particular took over half of the UK’s social networking traffic throughout January – 56 per cent.
The statistics show that the UK is an incredibly socially aware country when it comes to networking online, and it’s incredible that social media has surpassed conventional entertainment in such a short timescale. Albeit online, the draw of social media is a true phenomenon, which is part of the reason why it’s become so important in search engine optimisation.
Alongside normal link building practices, social media optimisation has an incredibly important place in the world of online marketing – whether for reputation management, spreading word of your products, communicating with your core users or more.