The shift over the last few years in users’ search behaviour from using desktop computers to mobiles has not gone unnoticed.
Google back in April announced that they will be rewarding sites that have been optimised for mobiles. But is it just mobile search rankings that your site would potentially benefit from if it was optimised?
The short answer is no! And here’s why:
A recent study by HubShout surveyed 450 people (93% of whom use a smartphone) to understand what mobile users look for in a business’s website and here’s a summary of some of the important findings:
94% have used their phones to search for a business. 24.2% of which use them daily to search for local businesses.
Over 40% of mobile users have searched for health and medical services
This figure is quite staggering and something that we have noticed reflected in many of our practices’ stats. Again, this highlights the sheer number of people that are looking for dental practices potentially on-the-go. And, with the fact that 78% of people have discovered a new business when searching on their phones, really gives you an understanding of the amount of new patients that can possibly be found by becoming mobile friendly.
What do you do if you are disappointed by a business’s mobile website/presence?
I hate to say it but nearly 39% of people said they would look for a similar business and a further 6% said that they would refuse to do business with the company based on their mobile presence.
In addition to these figures 61% think that a good website means a company wants their business, which just goes to show that the efforts made to your website is shown as a direct reflect of your practice.
The Pinch and Zoom
It is enough to put off nearly a third of people if they have to pinch and zoom when viewing your website on their mobile device!
Optimising your website for mobiles cannot just be seen as a cost, but an investment in your online marketing and how your practice is presented. Investing in optimising your website for mobile devices will help to gain those new patients that might have been lost due to the troubles they had with your site on their mobiles. And, in the long term help to possibly boost the number of enquiries your practice receives and the amount of revenue the practice earns.
If you would like to know more about how Dental Design can help your online marketing please feel free to give one of the team a call on 01202 677277