November is a time when we start looking at our plans for the future. What are we going to start doing in 2025 and what improvements can we make. It’s a good time to take stock and see if there’s anything that we can start doing differently to improve how we market to our patients. Well, if you’re stuck for ideas, you won’t go too far wrong looking into an AI chatbot.
The biggest issue with current chatbots are they either rely on a person to monitor them 24/7, or they only provide standard, basic responses, often lifted from a limited, pre-scripted selection. This means that they’re either just another job for your reception team or a good way of annoying your patients who are searching for a specific answer. A good AI chatbot will do the opposite of both of these things.
A properly built AI chatbot will provide answers to enquiries based on the information available on your website. The bot will trawl the site in order to answer a specific question posed by the user. It’ll sound natural, it’ll be accurate and it’ll certainly save your reception team a job.
If the nature of the enquiry relates to a treatment, then a good chatbot can and will encourage the user to get in touch with the practice after taking relevant contact details. It can guide the patient down the booking path and simply provide the relevant information in order for them to complete the appointment. If this sounds too good to be true, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out that such bots exist now, at least in trial form, and 2025 will be the year when they come into their own.
We’ve run trials of our own AI chatbot and, when compared to existing bots on the market, discovered that the conversion rate is around 250% higher. That’s phenomenal. It’s easy to see why though. Patients can rarely tell the difference between a person and an AI bot answering their questions, as the bot has been refined to give intelligent and realistic responses. Scary? Maybe a little, but there’s a potential goldmine here ready to be tapped for the forward-thinking practice.
If everyone accessing your website can speak to ‘someone’ immediately, who is informed, intelligent and driven to convert enquires into leads it’ll make a massive difference to not only the workload of your reception team, but your bottom line as well. The future is coming, make sure you’re ahead of the curve on this one.