Are you using social media to engage with your patients?
Have you thought about running a Facebook contest?
Facebook contests are a good way to not only improve engagement on your page, but to also boost the reach and visibility of your page through people sharing and interacting with it.
But how do you make sure that your contest is a success? Below are a few tips to help.
Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals
It is very easy to jump into creating a competition. But, what would you like to achieve from it? And is it even possible?
The goal(s) you set need to be:
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Relevant
T – Timely
Are you trying to promote a new product or service? Are you trying to grow your email list?
Understanding your goal(s) helps to define how you go about achieving it and helps to shape the way the contest needs to be made.
Creating a Contest
There are different types of contests:
Caption contests
Photos or Videos contests
Create a contest that helps achieve your goals, but also remember to set a time frame for the contest and let your users know.
Contest Rules
Is there a set of rules that people need to know?
If you are limiting the entry into your contest based on age, being an existing patient etc people are going to want to know.
It is important to state your rules for entry clearly to avoid disappointing people.
What are you going to have as the prize? Are you going to reward all entrants with something as well?
Thinking of a prize for the winner might sound easy, but it needs to be tempting for people.
Make sure to present an image of the prize to people looking to enter.
As most users access Facebook on their mobile devices, you need to make sure that the page is mobile-friendly.
Once the contest is live, share it everywhere!
Inspiration taken from Social Media Examiner