Well, there has been lots of talk about Facebook Graph Search and to be perfectly honest, I was expecting to be disappointed. Nevertheless, as a big Facebook fan, I applied to get Graph Search (Beta) early so I could see what all the fuss is about…
I log onto Facebook this morning and Graph Search Beta has arrived. I had a play around for 5 minutes and got distracted – Facebook fail? Perhaps not… still a little intrigued, I re-visit Graph Search over my lunch. No sooner do I start getting to grips with it, do I realise that in actual fact, this is some seriously clever stuff.
I start searching for all sorts. First off, I start looking back at ‘friendships’ – you can see every wall post exchanged, and every photograph you are in, with any chosen friend, since the beginning of your Facebook time. And then – because I can, I searched for all my colleagues, my family and Manchester United fans!
Whilst I’m not quite sure what impact this will have on the ‘Business’ side of things, if any, I can only presume it spells good news as Facebook clearly isn’t resting on its laurels.
To join the waiting list for Facebook Graph Search, visit this page: https://www.facebook.com/about/graphsearch