Google has displayed the +1 button beside sponsored search listings since the end of May and since then, the +1 button has been installed on over a million websites across the web with over 4 billion impressions each day according to Google’s Blog.
Throughout the roll out of the +1 button, Google has maintained that +1’ing a page will not influence the much sought after quality score metric. Quality score influences sponsored ad position and the cost per click amongst other things within an adwords campaign, so a high quality score is the holy grail for any Pay Per Click marketer.
However, it has been announced that not only will the +1 button be applied to the Google Display Network, the +1’s will also influence the display ad auction, meaning that the more an ad is +1’d the more likely it is that it will be displayed to a user. There is already talk from Google that if the display network benefits from +1 it will add authority to the account making it more likely that search campaigns will benefit too.
This news won’t affect our practices at the moment as we don’t currently offer display advertising, but nevertheless, incorporating personal recommendations into ads has the potential to change the way people view online marketing. So if the influence of +1 affects an ad’s quality score on the search network, it will be very interesting to our team indeed and something we will work very proactively towards in order to get the most out of Google’s latest creation for our clients.