Five years ago yesterday, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey tweeted ‘Just setting up my twttr’. Today, the company is valued at approximately $10billion and is subject to takeover rumours from Facebook and Google. So how exactly has Twitter got it all so right?
Though each tweet is only 140 characters in length, a good tweet can travel very far. Twitter is the best online example of ‘word of mouth’ that we can find – Facebook, for all its power, doesn’t get the message out of there as quickly as a well-placed tweet can.
Twitter’s rise certainly correlates with its current valuation. And its high valuation isn’t just in a monetary sense – so many people worldwide have benefitted from the speed of Twitter’s service and by being informed to news as soon as it breaks. Twitter has not only found its way into bedrooms and onto mobile phones, it’s found its way into newsrooms and corporations, becoming a valuable tool for journalists and businesspeople alike.
Social media has become such a powerful tool in search engine optimisation, internet marketing and online promotion that it’s simply become impossible to ignore. Whether for regional SEO or something on a much wider scale, social media is a great way to communicate with your core customers and make new friends if you can get your personality across in a positive, inclusive fashion.
What do the next five years hold for Twitter? We’ll have to wait and see, but rumours that it’s being bought out won’t go away. There’s no doubting its incredible reach and ability to bring people closer together, and in a marketing sense it’s the perfect way to get word of your products and services out to an entirely new audience.
Twitter’s already massive, but we can’t help but predict massive things for the future. Happy birthday, Twitter!