A call to action (CTA) is “the part of a marketing message that attempts to persuade a person to perform a desired action” (marketingterms.com).
Calls to action are an essential part of any website and are vital to the success of your marketing strategy. All the effort put into your marketing campaigns to generate interest in your practice and traffic to your website could be wasted if visitors aren’t prompted to take the next step, i.e. to contact you.
Calls to action help instruct the users on what to do next and aid the transition between the phases of the buyer’s journey.
But, not all calls to action are the same.
These call to actions are commonly placed on blog posts and treatment pages. Their purpose is to direct the visitor to your contact form.
Typically they are buttons with calls to action like: “Contact Us Today!” or “Book an Appointment!”
Once the visitor has clicked on your lead generation button, they will need to carry out 2 more steps to then qualify as a lead: fill out the contact form and click on the button to submit their information.
However, most websites use a generic call to action, e.g. submit, which isn’t enticing to a user and might result in a lost lead. Calls to action such as “Request a Call Back” look more inviting to a visitor and help them understand what to expect when they submit their details.
One of the main objectives of online marketing is to drive traffic to your website.
Sometimes you might have articles or posts displayed on other websites, e.g. social media platforms, news websites or blogs. By including just enough information to whet the user’s appetite in these posts, you can add “read more” CTAs that link through to your website for more information giving you the opportunity to add further CTAs to convert a visitor into a lead.
If you need help with your online marketing, please feel free to give Dental Design a call on 01202 677277
Inspiration from: hubspot