Social media platforms are important for dental practices not only for creating more awareness but for also engaging and developing relationships with your patients. But which platforms are the most relevant to marketers at the moment? This post will hopefully give you an understanding of some of the current trends in social media and advise you on what types of content seem to be working best on each.
The more visual the network the more people spend time on it
It is clear to say that images and videos tend to grab our attention more than just text alone. Pinterest and Instagram each gained over 10 million visitors in 2012, not least because these platforms had eye-catching content that was very good at attracting people’s attention. Therefore if you are looking to gain more of an audience to your particular social media profiles or blogs, try including one or more high quality images in each post.
Whilst we are on the subject of eye-catching content, why not try posting videos onto YouTube (the second-largest search engine!) which will not only help improve your engagement with people but will possibly help improve your SEO efforts as well.
Google+ best used for SEO
Google+ is a great platform to help your SEO efforts. Here are a few take away tips to help you get the best out of using this platform:
Facebook Updates
Recently Facebook has changed the way the news feed displays updates from friends and pages. To help make your page updates stand out in someone’s news feed, why not include photos, videos, events or offers to help bring people’s attention to your update.
If you would like to know more about how social media can help your practice, please give Dental Design a call on 01202 677 277.