It doesn’t matter how big or small your practice is, content is king and it’s important to use it to your practice’s advantage. Many dentists don’t think they can compete with the bigger guys when it comes to writing content, but in reality, it’s far easier for small companies as (usually!) there is far less red tape and channels of approval.
It’s important to consider the 5 W’s before embarking on a content marketing strategy: Who, what, where, when, why and how. Try to think about these every time you are going to share content, so that you get the tone and timing absolutely right.
Who & What
There is no point in writing mediocre content, it’s a waste of yours and your audience’s time. Find out what your audience is most interested in. A good starting point is looking at your analytics to see what keywords are driving business to your website, if you see lots of searches for tooth whitening- write about your latest tooth whitening offer!
Where & When
Do some research and find out where your followers are, else you could be pretty lonely and pretty much speaking to yourself! Have you considered these channels? Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Podcasts, Instagram, Email Campaign, Guest Blogs, Slideshare
It’s also a good idea to try out different times to share your content, for example if you only post 9am-5pm you could be missing out on a large chunk of your audience who could be at work with no access to your content. So try out evenings and weekends too and see what works best- you can always use tools such as hootsuite or tweetdeck to schedule your posts for a later date.
Get creative! When people say content marketing, blogs always jump to mind- try out infographics, interviews or videos to mix things up a bit and keep your audience engaged.
Remember to always keep an eye on what your competitors are doing to stay one step ahead!
If you would like some inspiration with your content marketing strategy, give Dental Design a call on 01202 677 277 and we’ll be happy to help you.