Its been a busy couple of months in the Dental Design office with so many social occasions … engagements, weddings, charity events, new additions to the family, numerous birthdays and new team members. All of this is social media gold and is what our followers love to engage with on our business page. Facebook’s ultimate goal is to keep as many people as possible glued to the social network for as long as possible. There’s no secret formula to successfully engaging with your audience but applying ‘The 80/20 Rule’ should always be a big part of your social media strategy. It simply comes down to this…
Use 20% of your content to promote your brand, and 80% of content that will really interests your audience and engages them in conversations.
Facebook is home to more than 1.4 billion monthly active users so its certainly the place you should be promoting your practice.
At the end of the day people use social media to be social, they don’t want to be subjected to a sales pitch. It should always be about building relationships, rather than bombarding your patients with irrelevant content.
20% of Content:
When working on the 20% part of your content include information that benefits your patients. Include a discount, add a special offer, provide useful statistics and make sure you integrate a persuasive call-to-action that inspires patients to learn more about your practice and the treatments you offer so it possibly leads to conversion in the future. Promotion is fine when utilizing it appropriately, especially exclusive offers that are relevant to your audience.
80% of Content:
When working on the 80% part of your content you may start by collecting engaging ideas and insights from influencers in your industry. You should choose content that resembles your practices profile, think about retweets, inspirational quotes, links to news, questions, etc. There is no type of content that generates better responses than photos so take this into consideration when you have a charity event, activity within the practice, a social event outside of the practice, think of every event as a social media opportunity!
Two way conversations
Social media is intended for two-way conversations. Post content that your patients can relate to and actively seek out relevant conversations in which you can participate in. This allows you to build trust and honest relationships with your audience and they will like your practice better for it as a whole.
Social Media Reach
If your posts keep people engaged, through likes, comments, shares and time on your page, your social network will reward you with further reach. If you share excessive posts that no one likes or comments on then your reach is likely to decline even faster than your competitors.
If you would like any further information about the social media packages that we offer, then please give the Dental Design team a call on: 01202677277 or you can find additional details here