The most important metric to consider in online marketing is your conversions – conversions are desired actions a user performs on your website, for Dental website this would usually be sending an email enquiry or calling the practice number.
Well ranked websites that received higher traffic will generally get more enquiries than sites with lower traffic, but it is highly recommended that your site engages with its users through ‘call to actions’ and with prominent phone numbers and contact forms. It is better to have a website that has 100 users visit it and 10 conversions than a site that gets 1000 visits a month but only 5 conversions.
Older sites tend to have higher bouncerates (users who leave after viewing a single page) because they can look tired compared to newer sites, and because they may not have prominent ‘calls to action’. If your site has high traffic but you aren’t getting enquiries then you could consider a redesign, or you can liaise with your account manager to make some improvements if covered as part of your management package.
Here are a few tips on how you could increase your conversions.
Add ‘Call to action’ to your website landing page
Having an effective call to action is an essential part of any website. A call to action is not just limited to ecommerce sites. Every website should have an objective it wants users to complete whether it is filling in a contact form, signup for a newsletter or calling the businesses number.
A call to action provides…
A call to action should clearly tell users what you want them to do. They should include active words such as:
All of these encourage users to take an action.
To create a sense of urgency and a need to act now, these words can be used alongside phrases such as:
Optimize your Site for Mobile Conversions
Google has claimed that 16% of searches this year are mobile searches, and with the prevalence of Smartphones and tablets, more and more consumers are visiting websites on their mobile devices. Plus, research has shown that mobile sites get more engagement than standard websites. So optimizing your site for mobile will no doubt increase your ability to convert customers who are on the go. Make sure you include a well-placed phone number and email address, and use the “click to call” feature, so prospects can contact you on the spot, which will help you boost your conversion rate.
Use Remarketing to Keep Your Business Top of Mind
If potential customers don’t convert into leads the first time they visit your site, make sure you stay top of mind with them after they leave. Remarketing is an easy and cost-effective display advertising tactic that targets previous website visitors as they surf across the Web. In addition, enabling visitors to subscribe to your blog via an RSS feed or opt in to your mailing list is a great way to regularly share content with potential customers after they’ve left your site. Then, create great content like tips, videos, and how-to articles that drive home your credibility in your industry and show potential customers that you’re interested in more than just pitching them a sale, so they’ll be more inclined to return to your website and convert.
Measure the Conversion, not the Click
If you’re running online search or display advertising, chances are you’re measuring how many people click your ads and visit your website. But do you have tools in place to measure how many people convert? In other words, how many visitors actually contact your business via phone, email, web form, or other method? With analytics tools like Google Analytics, you can track the conversion paths of the people who visit your website and complete an action – as well as the ones that bounce during the process. Call recording technology is also available to help you glean insight into your prospects’ behavior. Tracking your conversions will help you see the effectiveness of the elements on your site, like the placement of your phone number, clarity of your call to action, or ease of completing a form submission that may actually be hurting your website conversions.