Less is more: Why focused websites are best for SEO

12 June 2024 | | Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation

How many treatments does your practice offer? Including cosmetic dentistry, facial aesthetics, hygiene – is it 50? 70? 100? Does your website have a page for complex tooth extractions, or for talon cusps, or supernumerary teeth? Surely the more pages you have on your website the better for SEO right? More dental related content is better, that’s always been the rule. So surely stuffing your website with every single treatment you offer is the best possible approach? You can probably already tell from my tone that, no, it isn’t.
The problem becomes one of a lack of focus.

Throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks isn’t usually the best approach to anything in life, and digital marketing is no exception. When everything is on the menu then the diner can become somewhat overwhelmed, and unless they’re already in the restaurant they’ll probably move on to somewhere a bit simpler. I remember watching Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares and often the first thing he did in a failing restaurant was trim the menu right back and get the owners to focus on the dishes that were important to them. The key takeaway, if you’ll pardon the pun, was to get the messaging right.

Think about your most important treatments. There’s probably 3 or 4 that spring to mind almost immediately. Now, if those treatments are buried alongside 30 or 40 other treatments then what does that say about the key message you’re trying to get across? If everything has prominence then nothing is prominent.

There’s a fear that by trimming pages from your website you might lose traffic. Well, the good news is that that page on fissure sealants hasn’t had a lot of visits anyway so it’s not going to be a wrench to cull it. If a page or a treatment isn’t pulling its weight, get rid of it. Feel free to have an ‘other services’ page that acts as a catchall, but don’t put every treatment you offer on the main navigation, it’s just diluting the message. And if you’re worried about which pages to get rid of, we would always use a data driven approach to see which pages are worth removing, using tools like Google Analytics or Screaming Frog for instance.

I’ve often expounded the premise of ‘quality over quantity’ in these blogs and nowhere more does it apply than here. Try and shake the feeling that if you don’t have as many pages as possible you aren’t getting you money’s worth. One of the key elements of good marketing is focus. Focus on a small number of key objectives. If you get 20% less traffic but 50% more quality enquiries you’re going to be much happier with how your website functions.

So stop viewing your website as a Littlewoods catalogue and start treating it more like a billboard. ‘This is what we want to do and look how well we do it!’ That’s a far stronger message than a glorified list of services where dental implants is given the same airtime as lost metal fillings. I could go on and on about this ethos, but you know what they say, less is more.

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