Have you seen what your website looks like on your mobile recently? Chances are, if you haven’t invested in a mobile site, it’s a pretty slow sluggish process and you have to zoom in and out in order to view anything; even worse if your site is flash and you’re viewing from an iPhone you may see nothing at all! That is also what your patients are seeing- not very professional right?
Since 2009 there has been a consistent rise in those using their mobile phone to surf the web, with figures doubling each year.
These figures from analytic firm statcounter confirm what we already know, the use of the mobile web is spreading across the everyday lives of people across the globe and soon many online marketers will be designing mobile sites first before they consider building full websites for clients.
Have you looked at your dental design stats recently? Have you noticed a rising trend in mobile visitors along with a higher bounce rate when you don’t have a mobile site? Those visiting from mobiles are likely to be pushing up your bounce rate. This is because when patients reach the non mobile version of your site and find it too difficult to navigate they become frustrated and don’t look through the inner pages of the site, thus increasing your bounce rate. Your bounce rate should be between 30-40%.
To combat this, speak to dental design about a dedicated mobile site. Mobile sites are streamlined versions of your full website (containing up to 80% less information) but still contains the key information your patients need to make the all important next move and call your practice for an appointment.
It is predicted that one in six users across the world will be accessing the internet on their mobile phone by 2013, so don’t fall behind, make sure that your online marketing strategy makes mobile a priority too!