Marketing your practice online brings many benefits that are not available with traditional and offline marketing. Not only has the internet dramatically changed over the years but so has marketing.
Online marketing can include:
• Website
• Search (SEO)
• Email Marketing
• PPC (Pay Per Click)
• Online Advertising
• Social Media
Compared to what is considered to be offline marketing:
• Catalogues
• Brochures
• Flyers
• Exhibitions
• Newspaper Adverts
The main deciding factor for why online marketing is more beneficial for your practice than offline is because this is where 90% of your patients will be. We are in a new era where so many people of different ages and genders are all accessing the internet.
Marketing Online Benefit #1 – You can make changes instantly
Making changes online is very quick and easy, allowing you to personalise your content and react to surrounding changes immediately. By monitoring and tracking how your advertisements are doing, you can make the decision to change a graphic or wording and do so without any problems.
Marketing Online Benefit #2 – You can track real-time results
Marketing online allows you to track real-time results using online analytics. Through analytics it is simple to monitor how many people have visited your webpage, how often, for how long and even who referred them. Quite quickly you can build up a profile of your perfect customer.
Marketing Online Benefit #3 – You can target specific demographics
Marketing online allows you to target specific demographics such as gender, age and location. You can even target specific income levels, education levels and occupation. It’s a lot harder to do this with traditional marketing.
Marketing Online Benefit #4 – Email, audio, video, blog, social media and newsletters
There are so many options when marketing online. You can use audio, video, blogging, email, social media and ongoing newsletters. If you were to do the same with traditional marketing you would need to select several outlets to cover all bases, not so when it comes to marketing online.
Marketing Online Benefit #5 – Instant Conversion Ability
When you market online you have the ability to convert a customer instantly. This is not the case with traditional media such as magazine ads, newspapers or television.
Marketing Online Benefit #6 – Cheaper than Offline
By using online marketing a practice can stretch their marketing resources much further than if they solely went down the traditional offline route. Website design and SEO is not necessarily cheap, but it is instantly more rewarding and takes less budget than a traditional marketing campaign. There is also a lot you can do online yourself for free or with a low budget, especially when it comes to social media.
If you are struggling with your online marketing and need help with SEO, social media or website design give us a call today on 01202 677277.