The evidence is mounting that tablets will be more important to “retailers” than PCs in the very near future. Tablet users are more affluent than traditional PC users on average and they buy more. Apple has sold more than 100 million iPads, while Amazon and Google have sold millions of their own 7-inch tablets. Read on to see why your dental practices needs a ‘mobile & tablet friendly’ website……
Tablets see much more actual conversion volume than smartphones, which are primarily used for research (conversions happen later “online” or in stores). However according to data from e-commerce tool vendor Skava only 7 percent of retailers have websites that are tablet friendly.
Citing Adobe data, Skava also reports that “52 percent of consumers declared the tablet their favorite device” and “40 percent of tablet owners use it more than their PCs.”
Most retailers incorrectly assume that their PC sites will render properly on tablets. And while retailers can “get away with” this one-size-fits-all approach much more often on a tablet vs. a smartphone, the user experience may suffer a range of weaknesses or flaws according to Skava:
Tablet (iPad) CTRs are typically higher than PCs and conversions are comparable to or greater than PCs.
The challenge for marketers and retailers is that there is now a continuum of devices and screen sizes to deal with: 4-inches, 7-inches, 10-inches. Responsive web design is one approach to this challenge.
But don’t “let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” The important thing for retailers is to get going and develop mobile and tablet-optimized sites.
According to Magento 79% of large retailers don’t have mobile (including tablet) optimized sites. Consumers aren’t waiting around for retailers; if they encounter bad mobile (and tablet) experiences they’ll simply “move on.”
That’s why it’s critical to start now…..for more information about having a mobile and tablet friendly website for your dental practice, call us today on 01202 677277.