There’s a certain etiquette to using twitter. If you’re using twitter to promote your dental practice, make sure that you aren’t one of the very many ‘sinners’ committing the ‘crimes’ mentioned below; your followers will find you annoying and before long, they will unfollow you.
1) Hopping on “Trending Topics” without Context: Hopefully, we’ve all learned from the mistakes of others with this one. Hashtag research is very important so that you do not tweet inappropriately.
2) Too Much Self Promotion: Live by the 80/20 rule. 80% useful content and 20% sales promotion.
3) Too Many Hashtags: Two or three is fine, but any more than that is going too far. Pick the most relevant tags, and try to work them into your message instead of piling them all on the end.
4) Irrelevant Content: Don’t trick your followers into clicking on to a link which is completely irrelevant to what you have just tweeted.
5) Continuation Tweets: Continuation tweets are very annoying to twitter users. It’s better to leave lengthy messages for your blog and share a link. Don’t make users (1/2)
Read your thoughts backwards and chopped into 140 character pieces. (2/2)
If you would like further information about using twitter and other social networking sites appropriately for your dental practice. Give Dental design a call on: 01202 677 277 and a member of our team will be happy to help you.