Lets be honest, if you’re serious about seo and social media you need to be on Google+. Why? Here are seven reasons to get you started:
1) Google Integration:
Google pretty much own the majority of what we do online. Whether you’re browsing YouTube, checking your gmail account, surfing the net using your chrome browser , checking your android smartphone or planning your route on Google Maps- you name it Google owns it. If Google+ were to be integrated into all of these products, which it shortly will be, it will seem to be unnecessary to leave Google products just for social networking.
2) Google hangouts are great!
Hangouts are just like video and voice calling through skype, but all within one social network . You can have up to 9 people chatting at once or collaborating on a Google Doc project.
3) Google circles allow you to manage your friends.
Google circles allow you to group your followers into friends, patients and work colleagues, for example, allowing you to only share certain updates with particular groups.
4) More privacy
We’ve all been reading about large companies being hacked on late on social networks such as twitter. Google make privacy a priority, for example, they have a data liberation tool, from which you can download and permanently remove all of your personal data and tracked activities from the site.
5) Higher Google Rankings
Google make it easier for users to search and find you when you have a google+ page, furthermore, they allow you to have the trusted author markup which has been proven to provide higher comparative click through rates.
6) Sharing is made easy
On the likes of twitter and Facebook you need to open a separate page to search for content, then copy and paste the link etc. Google+ removes this barrier, allowing you to search within the network and simply click share!
7) Does Facebook + Twitter =Google+?
So is Google+ the best of both worlds? Let’s not run away with the fact that they are all very separate entities with their own advantages and disadvantages. However, Google+ does seem to hold the best features taken from both, for example, Google+ has the explore tool which is similar to twitter’s trending topics allowing you to quickly see what’s ‘hot’ right now across the network.
In addition, Google+, similarly to Facebook, allows you to upload multiple photos and videos and create detailed user profiles and business pages.
In conclusion, if you’re keen to be seen as digitally savvy and want to stay ahead of your competitors, using Google+ to its full potential is only going to be advantageous.