Connecting and engaging with clients and fans is a great way to show the human side of your business to establish trust
and loyalty.
However, if you’re going to delve into the world of social media, you need to be prepared for any eventualities, whether
they are good or bad. No business is safe from negative social media mentions and this should not prevent you from using
social media to its full potential. In fact, you can turn social media around and make it a success story. Should a negative
situation arise, it’s best to have a crisis response in place.
First thing’s first: Always respond! You don’t want to give the impression that you have something to hide. Responding in
a positive manner and showing that you care about your audience is the best route to take.
Whether on Twitter or Facebook, you can always contact the negative follower by direct message. Try to have a
conversation about a problem in private. If it’s not possible because the follower is not cooperating, show that you’re
doing all you can to resolve the problem by having a cautious public conversation.
The only time a social media mention should be ignored is the difference between a crisis and a “troll”.
A crisis is a legitimate form of negative social media mention that needs a quick response. A troll is someone who goes out
looking for trouble or likes to cause attention. The saying is “don’t feed the trolls”. If you can’t make them see sense, ignore
them. As for “a crisis”, you should respond as quickly as you can, try to respond within 24 hours.
If you would like any further information then please give the Dental Design team a call on: 01202 677277