Calendly is a platform that allows you to book in catch-up calls with your account manager for a time that is suitable for you! It is synced with our outlook calendars and will display all the available dates and times we are available.
I am here to guide you through the process and show you how simple it really is!
Simply just click on the desired date convenient to you and you will receive a selection of time slots of availability – just pick the time best for you.
You will also have the chance to add any extra information in a text box – This could be talking points you want to raise over the meeting – this will simply just allow us to be best organised for the catch-up.
Once you have filled out this information, that’s it!
You then have the option to add this to your personal calendar. This will also automatically be synced to our calendars so we will be aware of an arranged catch-up.
That’s it! We believe this will be a far simpler solution to arranging catch ups rather than having to go back and forth over e-mails discussing availability – now you have full access to our calendar and can book in a slot which is convenient for you.