Straight to the point, these 6 hard hitting facts about SEO should give no doubt as to its effectiveness on your business and its need in today’s online world.
The internet is an astounding resource and search engines have come into their own in providing a valuable service to ordinary users looking for answers.
When you appreciate that Google receives 11.944 billion searches every month, with 1.17 billion of these being unique, you can begin to understand the value of understanding SEO.
Read through the below list thoroughly should you need further convincing.
1) 75% of SEO is off-page and 25% is on-page.
Attracting links and making your content relevant to your keywords are the basics of SEO. Ensuring your site has the correct content for keywords goes only so far. Getting your content right so that others will want to link to it makes up the valued off-page work that tells search engines you’ve had a “vote” and is valuable to users looking for an answer.
2) 73% of the population in Great Britain access the internet everyday.
Search traffic is more than likely the first place most new or potential patients will find out about your practice. If you’re site is not optimised, you do not exist in their minds.
3) Page titles are the second most important on-page element after content.
After the content of your site, a page title is the most important element of SEO. It is essential to have a targeted page title. In addition, H1 text, alt tags and paragraph text per page need to be including in best practice.
4) Persuasive meta descriptions under 155 characters increase click-through-rate (CTR).
The short, but powerful piece of text is the first thing that gives readers an idea of whats coming up should they click. Therefore, a succinct, tempting and informative description will increase CTR, even if the rank is not at the top of the page.
5) The top 5 results get 75% of the clicks.
Don’t spread yourself too thin.; better to be a slightly bigger fish in a slightly smaller pond than visa versa. Know your market and target with focused keywords to get to the top of the search rankings. Visitor numbers is a ranking factor, so better to focus on clicks to start off with and then broaden the keywords as your site gets accepted by search engines as being a trusted source to rank well.
6) Google + is the highest correlated social factor for SEO rankings
‘Social Search’ is no doubt growing and increasingly becoming important for SEM (Search Engine Marketing). Search engines are beginning to factor your social network into the results you see.
Out of all the social networks, it’s Google + that has the biggest influence. They best way your practice can utilise this social factor, is by getting online reviews on your Google profile from patients.
To find out more about these SEO ‘must haves’ for your dental practices’ online marketing, call Dental Design on 01202 677277 to talk with a member of the team.