It’s coming to the end of the year; now is the time to reflect on the past year and forecast for the future. One of your goals for 2017 may well be to focus on your marketing- in particular social media. If this is the case, it may be worthwhile creating a content calendar for the year ahead which can help you keep your accounts active when you’re busy or stuck for ideas (our social team swear by this!).
Step one- create a spreadsheet
Using excel, create a calendar for your posts. We format ours by having the day of the week, followed by date in the left columns and our social networks on the right, one cell per network. To help split the calendar up, we highlight weekends in a different colour.
Step two- add events and holidays
Start to fill in the boxes with important dates, such as bank holidays, Christmas, bonfire night etc
Try to find events firstly explicitly related to dentistry, such as mouth cancer action month or national smile month and add them to your calendar.
Next try to think outside the box a little and find events which implicitly relate to dentistry- for example the Rugby World Cup for which you could create a post about the importance of mouth guards.
Step three- add special offers
Work out which special offers you would like to run throughout the year, it tends to work best to run a special offer on either a monthly or quarterly basis to remain consistent.
Add them to your calendar and also make a note to write a blog promoting the special offer which can also be used as a post on one of your social networks.
Step four- showcase your team
Add staff birthdays, work anniversaries and team courses to your calendar. You could also create a ‘meet the team’ post which could be posted once per month
Step five- what makes you special?
Try to list 12 things which makes your practice special. Do you have free parking? Do you provide disabled access? Does your waiting room have free wifi? Post one of these per month
Step six- repurpose
By now you should have a pretty full calendar, however if you’re trying to manage more than one network its ok to use the same posts on different networks, just try to post them on different days using different imagery to make them slightly different so that you do not come across as boring or lazy.
If you would like further help with social media for your dental practice, speak to a member of our team today on 01202 677 277 and we will be happy to help you. Thanks to Social media examiner for the inspiration for this post