The “10 ways to get 20,000 Instagram followers” articles are everywhere. Just like they were with twitter, just like they were with Google rankings. Dental practices and marketers are being instructed in the dark arts of domination via social media.
We absolutely think that businesses should be part of these communities, but we can’t help wondering whether some provide a benefit overall. The problem with “techniques” like those mentioned above, is that it’s all fake. You don’t actually Like those images, or have any interest in what that user is going to publish in the future. You don’t care about the answer to the superficial questions you ask. It’s all about getting attention.
In case we really need a reminder, this is NOT what social media is about. It’s not what made it exciting when it first arrived, and it isn’t what keeps people coming back. Social media needs to be genuine, it’s not about how many likes you have compared to the practice down the road.
Social Media is a channel to allow other people to find and interact with you, and the thing about other people is that they’re unpredictable. No matter how much you’d love a 200% increase in followers / web visits / whatever, you can’t force it to happen.
So, here are the top activities dental practices should do:
Look out for mentions of your dental practice, and be appreciative. Deal really thoroughly with questions, don’t just refer users to your website. Celebrate user generated content that’s relevant to what you do.
Be as creative and critical as you can. Make it worthwhile. The best possible images, the most thoughtful features. Share relevant “behind the scenes” insights from your practice where you can. Don’t link up your account with Facebook so that you post automatically to twitter.
There’s nothing wrong with spending some time looking at what your competitors are doing and seeing the type of content (articles, videos, images) and what topics, seem to please your audience most. Actually, that’s really part of being responsive.
Stop the manipulative stuff. In the long run, it won’t work.
If you’d like further information about how social media can help your dental practice, speak to a member of our team today who will be happy to help.
Inspiration for this post taken from social media today