Instagram has become a part of our everyday lives and now more than ever it’s become more and more relevant, whether you are a blogger, a business or just someone who likes sharing pictures Instagram has over 150 million users and over the last few years has proven itself as a tool that allows people to effectively reach their audience. But are businesses doing all they can to increase followers and communicate visually with their fans and followers?
How to Retain Followers
It’s really important to know your voice and know your brand when your trying to build a following on Instagram. Social media is a full time job and this includes Instagram. Its important to find someone creative that understands your brand and the different ways to treat each social network, individually. This is done by bringing creative visuals and effective captions that work well together as Instagram can convert leads. If someone wants to know something about a business they will follow them on social media.
The Do’s:
Engagement not follower numbers – It’s difficult to keep your engagement level the same over a long period of time, you need to get people talking. You should comment, follow back, like things and be human.
Make your feed interesting – Don’t always post the same things but analyse the type of content that your audience engages with the most and post more of it
Tell a Story – Tell an interesting brand story through your images and captions.
Be consistent – Dont go for long periods of time without posting, keep your account updated but spread your posts out, dont post 5 in a row
Write interesting captions – Remember to add captions as they make understanding the post a lot more easier to understand
Think outside the box – Take lots of photographs and make them aesthetically pleasing and creative. Give your followers a reason to want to follow your brand in Instagram.
Spread out posts – Spread out posts like you would any other network and post once or twice a day – Its important to keep at it and don’t give up.
Create a theme – Create a theme for your content and be consistent as constant product placement is not a theme
Geo-target – Adding your location to your photos allows people to see where you are
The Human Touch – If you are posting a product photo, give it a human touch by making it creative or funny.
Add additional accounts – Point other social media pages to your growing Instagram account and get followers involved.
The Dont’s:
No dull, boring photos – Quality over quantity really matters on Instagram.
Don’t just sell – Don’t sound like a business that is only interested in its sales, its a social network after all
Don’t be spammy – Be real and interesting in what you post and certainly don’t beg for followers, you have to be genuine to be successful
Don’t abuse hashtags – Only add the hashtags that describe what your business and post is about
Over Liking – Don’t just like anything and everything that you think is even closely related to you
As visual content becomes more popular on Social Media, it also becomes increasingly important for businesses.
Everything above proves that it’s important to tap into this huge social network however its important to be patient as building up a following on Instagram takes time! There are over 55 million photos shared on Instagram every day which is another great reason why your business needs to utilise this platform.
If you would like any further information then give the Dental Design team a call on: 01202677277.