Did you know that the introduction of Facebook’s Graph search has provided a golden marketing opportunity for your practice? With the introduction of graph search, Facebook allows you to learn more about your fans than ever before and with a little bit of research, it can help you to tailor your messages to gain higher engagement and with a bit of luck conversions.
Here are three tips to get you started:
1) Have all of your friend’s liked your page?
As long as your practice’s Facebook page is attached to a personal account, using Facebook’s graph search, you can cross reference which of your friends have liked your page against who hasn’t. If any of your Facebook friend’s haven’t yet liked your page this is the perfect opportunity to send them a personalised message asking them to like you.
Here’s how:
In the search bar click “my friends”, followed by “my friends who like (practice page name)” here you’ll see all of your friends that have already liked you.
2) Join Groups!
You can search for groups of people that have an interest in dentistry and try to become a thought leader by leaving helpful comments in such groups and linking back to your Facebook page.
Here’s how:
In the search bar type: “groups of people who like (insert topic)”
You can drill this down further to “groups of people who like (insert topic) and like (page name)”
3) Keep Fan’s Interested
Learn more about your fans and tailor your posts to appeal to their interests. For example, if you see that the majority of your fans love a local theatre- talk about their latest production!
Here’s how:
Search “favourite interests of people who like (practice facebook page)” or
“pages liked by people who like (practice facebook page)
“places in (location) visited by people who like (practice facebook page)
There are hundreds of combinations of searches available within the graph search feature, which can help you drill down into your fan base to produce detailed results; including: age, gender, location, interests etc, which can really help you to tailor your messages resulting in higher engagement.
However, there are a couple of snags, at the moment graph search isn’t available on mobile, you can’t sort the results of a search query and Facebook privacy settings can add limitations to results. In comparison to the advantages though, these are simply small hiccups.
If you would like further information about Facebook and how to use it within your dental practice give Dental Design a call and we’ll be happy to help you.