1. Instagram has more than 400 million monthly active users
2. More than 75% of those users are outside the U.S.
3. More than 30 billion photos have been shared
4. Instagram users generate 3.5 billion likes per day
5. More than 80 million photos are uploaded per day
6. When Instagram introduced videos, more than 5 million were shared in 24 hours
7. Pizza is the most popular Instagrammed food, behind sushi and steak
8. Instagam’s monthly userbase has grown from 90 million in Jan 2013, to 400 million in September 2015
9. 27.6% of the US population used Instagram in 2015
10. There is a fairly even gender split between Instagram users: 51% male/49% female
11. Monthly US Instagram users are expected to reach 111.6 million by 2019
12. In 2012 Facebook acquired Instagram for $1 billion, a relative bargain compared to the $14 billion it paid for WhatsApp in 2014
13. In February 2014 in the US, Instagram had 6.5 million multi-platform users, 20 million desktop users, and 40 million mobile users
14. As of September 2015, the greatest share of traffic to Instagram was from the US (23.94%) while traffic from the United Kingdom accounted for 3.57% of site visits
15. 43% of UK teens, aged 11-16 use Instagram on a weekly basis
16. 8% of Instagram accounts are reportedly fake spam-bot accounts and 30% are inactive, according to Business Insider
17. 50% of comments are posted in the first six hours of items being posted
18. According to Simply Measured, there’s little correlation between text length and engagement rate
19. Adding a location to posts results in 79% higher engagement
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