Google authorship is essentially your photo added to the search engine results pages to make your content more prominent and appear more credible. Some studies suggest that click through rate can increase by up to 150% following the implementation of authorship mark up. So if you're serious about getting higher traffic adding authorship is a handy tool!
Are you struggling with Google Authorship mark up? Here’s some tips taken from Google’s webmaster central blog which may answer why your photo hasn’t been added to the search engine results pages yet:
1) Authorship is for blog articles by one author.
Only certain pages should contain authorship, for example authorship shouldn’t be used on pages that list articles.
Authorship should only appear on pages which contain a single article by the same author and ideally should contain a by line with the name displayed as is on your Google profile (E.g. By Joe Bloggs)
2) Authorship isn’t for treatment pages.
Avoid using authorship on any pages that contains lists, even if the content has been solely written by you, unfortunately Google just doesn’t like it. As a general rule Google wants authorship to be used to show the perspective of the user not what they can offer.
3) Authorship doesn’t work for multiple Authors.
If your page has lots of authors it isn’t currently suitable for authorship, however it has been rumoured that Google are looking into introducing multiple authors in the future.
4) Authorship is for real people
Google will only allow you to mark up based on an actual person rather than a persona or business.
5) How to prevent Google Authorship
If you don’t want authorship to appear alongside your articles you can opt to make your Google profile private meaning that it isn’t discoverable by search results.
If you have any questions regarding setting up Google Authorship give Dental Design a call on: 01202 677 277 and we’ll be happy to help you.