Internet giants, Bing and Twitter, have announced that they have extended their search engine data deal that was originially formed back in 2009 – the deal allows Microsoft’s Bing search engine access to Twitter’s vast amount of social media data and to display it in their search results.
Google had a similar deal with Twitter previously, but let it expire. Since then Google have shut down it’s Realtime search product which previously indexed data from Twitter. One of the main reasons why Google might have let it’s deal with Twitter expire is due to the launch of its own social media product, Google +, which they are likely to incorporate into the Realtime search should they start it up again. I’m not quite sure why Realtime would have to be completely taken offline in order to investigate integrating Google+ results, but it certainly demonstrates that Google is keen to make its new service as integrated as possible with other parts of its product portfolio.
That Bing is continuing with Twitter is something that may yield the Microsoft search engine a competitive advantage over time. Add to the fact that Microsoft also have a strategic alliance with Facebook to integrate the social media giant’s data into Bing’s search results – the future looks very healthy for Bing.