Everyone is aware by now (I hope!) that in order to increase the visibility of your website as much as possible you should be undertaking activities such as posting regular blogs. However, there is often fear if anyone will even look at the blog once you posted it…influencing people to question whether there is any point to post blogs in the first place. The short answer is YES! It will always benefit to update your website often, especially with a blog so let me share with you some best practice tips to ensure you increase your chances of your blog being seen.
There might be a tonne of things you could post about which is great but remember! Keep it relevant to what your website is about. This is why you get monthly visitors, to begin with so make sure the content you’re posting about is related to your niche.
This aspect is very often overlooked. The title of your blog is nearly just as important as the content itself. What good is the material if you can’t hook people in with the title! I have posted a previous blog which jumps into the things you can do to spice up your blog title here.
Being an online marketing company, of course, we are going to mention keywords! They are in the heart of SEO. It’s one of the simplest methods you can be doing to increase the visibility of your blog and it’s also amongst the most effective. Every blog you create, you need to have a one or two keywords in mind that you think users will be using to discover your blog online, make sure you then add the necessary keyword to the name of the blog, the headline and inside the article a couple of times. This is keyword immersion to make sure your focus keyword has a nice consistency throughout your content. It is important to note however that you should NOT be including your keywords in every given opportunity and every sentence, this will become obvious and is seen as keyword stuffing which will have a negative impact on your growth.
There are endless studies that show that including images in your content will influence better engagement. It’s useful to know that this also has a positive impact behind the scenes. Every image has an ‘ALT’ tag within the code, this is where you can include your focus keyword (if relevant to the picture) and this will be a proactive use of search engine optimisation which can be picked up through Google. I’m sure you are already aware but remember, you can’t just pull any image you fancy from Google as this will breach copyright issues. Instead, use images from royalty-free image sites such as:
If you’re referencing something in your blog, this could be an article, a study, a video, a product, the list is endless! Make sure you are linking to the original source. Readers of your blog might want to do some further reading and will love it if you’re providing easy navigation for them. This is also very beneficial as the person you are linking out too could then see your article and provide a link back to you within their content, passing on those valuable link juices!
Now you’ve published your content, you’re finished and can get on with your day, right? Wrong! Once you have finished your blog post make sure you are offering social sharing. This could be a couple of buttons at the end which allow the reader to share to Twitter/ Facebook/LinkedIn which will help spread the word and reach a larger audience.
If you have any questions or need help – get in touch and we will be happy to help