Grabbing the attention of new patients and retaining the existing ones entirely depends on your marketing plan. Take a look at our top tips to help you market your dental practice in 2019.
1. Your Website
There are so many free website builders out there with a limited amount of features. A custom dental website is definitely the best option to get the best results.
2. Responsive Design
Responsive Web Design is a technique that allows you to show the exact same website, with the same website code, but the site conforms depending on the size of the screen. A mobile-friendly website is an essential component of a great marketing plan.
3. Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimisation is essential for increasing your website’s visibility. Without it, your site will find it hard to stay on top and eventually fail to show up for those keywords you want to rank for.
4. Social Media Marketing
Adopting social media marketing is imperative if you want to grow your practice. Social media can help increase new visitors and maintain returning visitors. If you publish engaging, informative articles and posts on your social channels, then you are increasing trust, which encourages returning, loyal customers.
5. Email Marketing
Email marketing is a great way to reach your patients without spending a lot of money but its a big responsibility too, people don’t just give their email address to anyone. The amount of emails being sent just keeps growing and so does the return on investment.
6. Google My Business Listing
Every local business strives to improve their organic and local pack visibility in Google. Securing top positions in the organic and local search increases the chances of that website receiving the majority of the free traffic available from searches in Google.
7. Your Online Reputation
When people search online they tend to choose a product or service based on excellent online reputation. If your online reputation is not good, fix it immediately. For example, If a patient had a bad experience at your dental practice, try to make contact with the patient as soon as possible. Listen to their problem and clear it up immediately.
If you would like any further information then give the Dental Design team a call on 01202677277.