Incorrectly matching your Marketing efforts with incorrect Marketing Channels is an easy mistake to make. Especially when you have ‘experts’ advertising on social media messages like ‘Not doing video marketing? You should be!’. More often than not, these ‘experts’ are right, but the way they execute these messages can be wrong. What’s applicable to one business may not be applicable to another. Video marketing in many scenarios can be valuable, but you may find that as an accountant your YouTube channel isn’t as popular as an Adventure Brand’s, or even a clothing brands.
Another example that’s more dental-specific, could be to use a newsletter to push a good testimonial for some implant work but then sending it out to all of your patients on your mailing list. Once again, you’re ticking the box of ‘You should be sending out regular mailouts to your patients’ but forgetting that there’s more to it than that. In this example, I would argue that sending out a Dental Implant testimonial to a whole bunch of patients where a majority may not care for Dental Implants can be detrimental as it’s this sort of behaviour that prompts for ‘unsubscribes’ meaning your mailout marketing channel is becoming less valuable.
So, what would I recommend for dentists to perfectly channel their marketing efforts? Take a look below!
Each and every single treatment page (and homepage) on your website should be filled with loads of original and relevant content. If you can think of a search phrase you’re not ranking for and you don’t have a page made for it then you need to make a page and fill it with content specific for that search phrase and push it. Bear in mind as a dental practice that falls into the local SEO category, you will only rank for locations that you’re physically in (or very near to).
Your PPC campaigns should focus on your local areas (Ranking organically and on the Paid search for the same search phrase ensures additional prominence for the search phrases and allows you to capture more of the traffic) as well as areas just outside of your locality. This means you’ll be seen for areas outside of your physical location which Google wouldn’t organically rank you for. Your campaigns should be separated by treatment, and underneath that, your Ad Groups should be separated by their target keywords. For example “Dental Implants”, “Tooth Implants”, “Teeth Implants”.
In addition to these segregated Ad Groups, you should have PPC Specific landing pages specific to each Ad Group. For example, the Dental Implants landing page should be keyword rich in ‘Dental Implants’, and the Tooth Implants landing page should be keyword rich in ‘Tooth Implants’. These landing pages should not allow for users to click onto your main website as we want to keep the user focused on the conversion (usually meaning the enquiry); they should also include:
With a good amount of keyword rich information on the page, you will find that the quality score for each of the Ad Groups is really high, which reduces advertising spend whilst increasing Ad position. A high quality score tends to usually lead to higher a conversion rate too!
Social Media Marketing for Dentists can be difficult, dentists aren’t able to share as much fun and interesting content as other businesses (Like clothing, holiday and adventure brands). This doesn’t mean that it’s not valuable for Dentists though! You just need to leverage it in a different way. Here are some examples of how to do this:
Push imagery rich advertising to Facebook audiences with a specific interest in a certain treatment that you do. These images can include any special offers you’re running, just ensure you’re staying proactive. Facebook are introducing more and more tools to make sales/enquiries from within Facebook itself, but if your advert needs to link to your website, ensure you set up landing pages just as you do with your PPC campaigns. These landing pages need to once again be specific to the treatment you’re trying to push, Facebook isn’t like Google in the sense that it applies a quality score to the landing page, so these landing pages should focus primarily on achieving conversions. In some cases you may want to use the same landing page you’re using for your Google Ads.
Another message you’ll no doubt here from ‘Digital Marketing Experts’ is ‘post daily on facebook’ – once again, this is true, but it’s not as easy as this. It’s not about posting some random image or message with very little engagement so you can just tick it off your daily marketing checklist. You need to ensure you’re posting content that your users can engage with and get involved in. This could be for ‘Invisalign Open Days’, ‘Giveaways’, ‘Refer a friend rewards’ and plenty more!
You’ll no doubt see many marketing experts telling you that you should be using other channels, like instagram, twitter, etc… The biggest take away from this blog is that they’re probably not wrong, just take the advice with a pinch of salt. You need to leverage all of your advertising channels, not just aimlessly posting for the sake of saying ‘it’s covered’. There’s also channels I haven’t touched on as the list could go on all day. Just make sure that whatever you do you’re tailoring it to the end result, and more often than not, that is to receive enquiries.