Did you know the first spot of Google receives 33% of search traffic? This 33% consists of the 90% of the total clicks that are on the first page. (Usually, less than 10% of searchers go past page 1). The beauty of organic rankings (non-paid) is that it secures you about 33% of the traffic for the smallest cost (free when you know what you’re doing)! With this being said, pay per click ads, receive about 10% of clicks. Collectively the top 3 organic ranking results capture about 61% of clicks.
So in the name of the great Rick Bobby:
Typically, about 12% of total traffic is direct traffic (typing in your URL). 15% is referral (not including social media) – referrals are where other websites have links to your site. 6% would derive from Paid searches and 64% from organic search traffic. The rest is usually from social media!
Also, for the record, an average bounce rate is about 56 to 70%.
So, there it is. Your trusty little percentages guide (A general rule of thumb).