Deciding on a online marketing strategy, particularly when you are a small business with a limited budget can be difficult. Here are some top tips below:
Great Content – If you can create it yourself, all the better
Update your website – Take a fresh look at your website, could it do with an update? Your website acts as free advertising for your business, so make sure it looks the best it can, website changes are included depending on the SEO package you are on. Your site should be focused, and simple to navigate, with great content. Ensure your text conveys the message you wish to get across to your patients and that it does so in a compelling way.
Transform your waiting area – If you have a dedicated area for waiting patients, make their wait more productive. Have posters telling them to engage in social media.
Create Instructional Videos – Video content is really valuable and it doesn’t always have to break the bank.
Reddit – An entertainment, social networking, and news website where registered community members can submit content and people vote for the stories they want to see on the front page. To win at Reddit, only share great content and post only to extreme niches.
Brand yourself – Get your team custom shirts or other branded items with your practice name and logo, tastefully!
Be Social Savvy – Create business pages on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. Add Instagram if your practice is very image-oriented.
Claim your online listings – This is a quick and easy way to get your practice online. By claiming your business on review sites and Google Places, you’re letting people know where you’re located and that you’re an actual real business.
Optimize your website – SEO is a very powerful element of your online marketing. If you want to attract more quality patients to your website and build a strong presence, this should be high on your priority list.
Start a blog – This is a long-term activity that deserves attention and dedication. Stay committed for at least 12 months so to give yourself a chance to see results. Invite readers to comment on your posts, and reach out to fellow bloggers to contribute to your blog in the form of guest posts.
Infographics – These are insanely powerful marketing tools that are easy for patients to digest.
LinkedIn – A major social media site that is often under-utilized. You shouldn’t just add network connections and sign out, make sure you join groups, enter dialogue with connections and share your blog posts.
Recycle Content – Chances are there will be loads of people who never saw your old content, so it’ll be a fresh.
Customer Reward Referral Program – Offer existing patients a free product or service, or some other reward for referring family and friends. Remember, word-of-mouth is extremely powerful and valuable.
Online Contests – The number of participants and new potential patients you get will be well worth the cost of the price.
Email Marketing – Email marketing is a great way to get new patients engaged with your practice, as well as maintaining relationships with your existing patients.
Attend Free Events – Check out any local opportunities to meet new people. Search for groups that discuss topics of interest, weekly networking events etc. Any chance to meet interesting people in your industry is a good thing.
Complimentary consultations – Offering a free consultation will go along way with new patients, especially nervous patients not knowing what to expect.
If you would like any further information then please give the Dental Design team a call on: 01202677277.