Google News is a computer-generated news site that aggregates headlines from more than 4,500 English-language news sources worldwide, groups similar stories together and displays them according to each reader’s personalised interests. So if you fancy a boost in your traffic read on…
Fancy a traffic boost in your SEO marketing campaign? One way to do so is to get a news post you’ve written and posted onto your website into Google News. News posts can be great for regional SEO, national SEO and more. A massive amount of traffic uses Google News to find new, relevant content on a daily basis. If you can get something original in there – even better if you can include a keyword – then you should see something of a significant traffic boost.
But the key word here is ‘original’. You’re more likely to be noticed by Google News if you go out there, discover an original story, write it up yourself and post it on your website. But does that sound a little ‘journalistic’, and something beyond your current abilities and remit? It needn’t be. If you have a blog on your website and regularly post industry news on it, then you’re already halfway there!
News has to be newsworthy. That may sound incredibly obvious, but if you’re rehashing or regurgitating what somebody else has already written then it’s not really original news, is it? So how do you go about breaking a story that’ll be featured on Google’s news network, without stepping on anybody’s toes?
Writing a news post doesn’t mean you have to go undercover or dig up something sensationalist about people or practices in your industry. All you have to do is keep your ear to the ground and write up things you’ve noticed that no-one else seems to have. Has a company changed its working habits to improve their speed on the production line? Has a colleague managed to sign up a large client that changes the future fortunes of the business? Or has an industry regulator commented on something recently that you can use their quote for?
As long as you can find something that has a newsworthy angle, Google News is more likely to accept it. Those searching for topics in your industry are then likely to come across it if accepted, pass on the story to their friends and peers and get the ball rolling!