The days of just Facebook and Twitter are long gone with the likes of Google and Pinterest are both emerging to become a force to be reckoned with.
Every news article claims something different with X having more followers Y, Y growing faster than X. Z being trendier than X and Y. With this in mind I decided to take a look at the facts……
- 845 million monthly active
- 483 million daily active users
- This equates to Approximately 1 in every 13 on EARTH logging in each day
- The average user spends over 700mins per month on facebook
- 48% of 18-34 check facebook as soon as they wake up
- More than 350 million users access facebook on their mobile
- Every 20 minutes on facebook 1’000’000 links are shared
- Fan pages have created over 5.3 billion fans
- Over 465 Million accounts
- Over 23 million UK users
- 175 million tweets every day, 16,000 tweets-per-second
- 1 million accounts added to twitter every day
- 11 twitter accounts are created every second
- Projected Advertising revenue in 2012 = $259 million
- Projected Advertising revenue in 2012 = $540 million
- 10 tweets per second mention Starbucks.
- 5 years ago Twitter was just an idea with only 3 people working on it.
- 90 million users
- In Dec 2011 there were 62 million users
- In Dec 2012 there is expected to be 400 million users
- 625’000 new members a day
- Google 1 is used more than 5 billion times a day
- Over 10 million members
- A million visits every day
- Daily users have increased by more than 145% since the start of 2012
- Pinterest is generating more referral traffic to websites than Youtube, Google and LinkedIn combined
- Pinterest hit 10 million U.S. monthly unique visitors faster than any independent site in History
- Mark Zuckerberg is on Pinterest
Facebook originally established itself as THE social media website and has stood the test of time (remember Myspace?). However times are changing. Twitter is now more popular than ever and isn’t going anywhere whilst Google and Pinterest are growing at an astonishing rate.
The truth is users aren’t just using one social media website, there embracing them all. Each has its own unique selling point. Twitter broke the news of Whitney Houston’s death 27 minutes before the press. Pinterest users are sharing their favourite collected items with the world. Facebook users are liking statuses, creating party events and sharing photos whilst Google users have got a hangout for every social group.
No single social media site will land on top. User’s will continue to Like, Tweet, Pin, 1, share, post and comment!!
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